Garlic is a plant with some bulbs that are used in many different ways such as in health issues and mixed with different vegetables to make some flavours of food and many more. It is one of the plants that are of good market worldwide. Just like any other plants, it needs good care so that it can produce more bulbs which can be sold for commercial.

While speaking to one of the garlic farmers in Lesotho Mr Thapelo Mosoeunyane , he said garlic can be cultivated between March and May as it is the suitable time for it to germinate and accept the climate change. He indicates that it needs more care as it demands enough water for it to germinate and manure for it to make enough food for its steams which will help to form more bulbs.

Moreover, he said it doesn’t choose any kind of soil as long as that soil is fertile and have enough nutrients, but also in the highlands the production becomes higher because there is more oxygen and the soil particles of such places are open which allows the bulbs to grow fast and very well more than in the low lands.

In addition, Mr Mosoeunyane said garlic is one of the plants that prefer more light for it to grow faster and form some bulbs, that′s why Lesotho in winter the growth rate depends on how much light reflects to it′s leaves. He said most of the time the garlic plants which has been cultivated in the southern sides they are being harvested before the ones which are on the northern side because they receive more light for enough time it requires

He also mention that, each and every leaf that garlic produce it holds a bulb, and for that he advise farmers to stop cultivating some leaves because by doing that it is the way of killing a bulb that might be sold to improve more income. To add more, he said garlic takes eight to twelve months to be ready for harvest. The sings to show that it is ready for harvest, its leaves turned yellowish and thin.

He indicates that after harvesting the farmer has to make sure that , he cut those leafs and put the bulbs in an open place but far from light because it might germinate again as it prefers light. It should not be allowed to dry but must be taken back again for removal of the first three shells before it can dry so that it can have good looks  on market.

He also said that garlic has the masculine and feminine and the female ones are the ones that produce seeds. On the other hand research shows that garlic has been part of kitchens for centuries and as a herb. It is also helps to promote brain health and improve digestion.

In conclusion, garlic is mentioned as the boost of immunity as it helps to prevent damage to the DNA. It is also helpful to people who wants to loos weight even though it is highly nutritious. Apart from that it also balance blood suger.

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